5 is a first-person shooter game inspired by Minecraft, where your goal is to gain an advantage when fighting and facing opponents. Eliminate your opponents and top the scoreboard!

You can build structures to defend yourself and shoot at your enemies in this fun free online game, similar to Minecraft but with some changes that make it more like Fortnite. To reach the top of the field, you must collect wood, build ladders and then detonate dynamite. To increase your supply of raw materials, plant trees. As you face countless enemies, you'll be able to build fortresses, tunnels, bunkers, and even giant sculptures from blocks in this massive block universe. Collect a variety of equipment and weapons; Be careful not to get harmed and give your enemies a chance to steal them.


How To Play

  • WASD = move
  • Space bar = jump
  • Left mouse button = shoot
  • Keys 1- 5 = conversion

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